How to Parallel Park

Parallel parking is a crucial skill for any driver to master. This maneuver requires the driver to park their vehicle parallel to the curb between two other parked vehicles. It may seem daunting to some, but with the right technique and practice, it can be done easily. 

How to parallel park

In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to parallel park.

Step 1: Choose a spot

The first step in parallel parking is to find a suitable spot. Look for a space that is at least one and a half times the length of your vehicle. Make sure there are no “No Parking” signs or other restrictions in the area. Also, keep an eye out for any pedestrians, bicyclists, or other vehicles.

Step 2: Position your vehicle

Once you have found a suitable spot, pull up alongside the car parked in front of the space you want to park in. Your car should be about two feet away from the other car. Turn your wheels all the way to the right. This will allow you to back up into the space at an angle.

Step 3: Reverse into the space

Put your car in reverse and start backing up slowly. Look over your right shoulder and use your mirrors to guide you. When your car's front right bumper is in line with the rear bumper of the car parked in front of the space, turn your steering wheel to the left. This will allow your car to straighten out as you back up into the space.

Step 4: Align your car

As you continue backing up, make sure to keep an eye on the back of the car parked in front of the space. When your car's rear right bumper is in line with the rear bumper of the car in front of the space, turn your steering wheel to the right. This will allow you to align your car with the curb.

Step 5: Finish parking

Once your car is parallel to the curb, straighten out your wheels and pull forward a bit to center your car in the space. Make sure you are close enough to the curb without touching it. Shift into park, and you're done!

Tips for Parallel Parking:

1. Practice makes perfect. The more you practice parallel parking, the easier it will become.

2. Use your mirrors. Make sure to check your mirrors frequently to ensure you are aligned correctly.

3. Be patient. Don't rush the maneuver, take your time and be patient.

4. Use your backup camera. If your vehicle is equipped with a backup camera, use it to help guide you.

5. Avoid distractions. Turn off your radio and silence your phone to avoid distractions while parallel parking.


Parallel parking is an essential skill for any driver to learn. With the right technique and practice, it can be done easily. Remember to choose a suitable spot, position your car correctly, and use your mirrors to guide you. Be patient and take your time. With these tips, you'll be parallel parking like a pro in no time!

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