Mistakes That Can Damage Your Car

The more years your car lasts, the more value you get for your money. Check out these unnoticed elements that are slowly killing your car!

Having a car is something you do frequently. The upkeep follows the purchase. This element is equally, if not more, crucial than the purchase. Every automobile buyer hopes their new vehicle will last them a long time before they decide to sell it or have it replaced. You have a bad taste in your mouth when your car breaks down after you have barely enjoyed it.

Recognizing that your car has a health system is the first step in having a durable vehicle. And for this health to function at its best, sufficient care and attention are needed. You start putting the car at risk for disease the moment you start to neglect it.

You must schedule time to take care of your car just as you do your body. If not, its condition will decline and you'll have to park it. By providing you with all the information you require for a sound automobile, AfriqAuto is here to make sure you get your money's worth.

Mistakes That Can Damage Your Car

The following mistakes can gradually harm your car.

1. Disregarding the check engine light

For many car owners, the check engine light is the worst. And the reason for that is because when it starts, something is amiss. But if a threat was imminent, would you prefer know about it or be caught off guard? The former enables you to address the issue right away.

Your vehicle's check engine light alerts you to potential hazard.

Your best friend, not your worst enemy, is the check engine light. A trustworthy buddy protects you. The issue the check engine light is bringing to your notice may occasionally be little, but if you ignore it, it can worsen. Make an effort to identify the issue and repair it right away.

Always pay attention to the warning lights on your car! Why does the oil pressure light stay on after an oil change?

2. Totally ignoring filters and fluids

Filters and car fluids operate together. Fluids are necessary for your car to run. The substances act as lubricants. They supply it with the supplements it requires and lubricate moving parts for optimal operation. Over time, these fluids deteriorate and lose their effectiveness. If they aren't changed, the car's engine starts to suffer.

Filters stop debris and other dangerous items from entering the gasoline tank. The filter collects a lot of undesired materials as a result of its function. Therefore, it occasionally calls for a change. Ignoring these items makes it possible for unidentified substances to damage the mechanical parts of your car, including the engine.

3. Simply ignoring tires

Tires for cars shouldn't only be fixed and left alone. They must always have the proper amount of air to work properly. Tires are labor-intensive to operate, therefore they tend to wear out quickly. On the roadway, bursting tires can be fatal.

Examine your tires closely from time to time. Have them filled if they appear deflated. Additionally, change your times sometimes, preferably once every six months. For balanced balancing, move the back tires to the front until they are even with the front tires.

Know how to maintain your vehicle: These little changes to tire care might save you funds.

4. Failure to follow the maintenance schedule.

There is a suggested maintenance regimen in every car manual. The manufacturer created a schedule for you since they are better familiar with the car's capabilities than you are. Your car may experience problems after a particular amount of time. Such problems will be discovered if you stick to the maintenance program before they do further harm. Your car will age more quickly the longer you leave hidden issues unattended.

Regular visits to the mechanic's shop aid in the detection of concealed issues.

5. Careless driving

There is no racetrack on the road. Nobody is challenging you for the title of best driver. Do your best to drive. Do not forget that your car has a health system. When handled roughly, it becomes harmed.

Never go faster than the authorized speed limit. Take it easy on the roads. Due to the rough surface of certain roads, your car is more likely to sustain damage.

6. Hiring a novice mechanic

A non-professional mechanic working on your car is akin to seeking medical care from a quack while you're ill. He or she might kill you by doing further harm to your body. Never allow a mechanic to work on your car unless you are completely confident in them. Find a mechanic who focuses on fixing the brand of your automobile.

7. Overloading

Overloading a car can gradually damage it over time. When a car is overloaded, it puts extra stress on the engine, transmission, and other parts. This can cause the car to break down more quickly and cost more to repair. Additionally, overloading can also cause the car to lose power and performance.

8. Not washing

If you haven't been washing your car, you may not be aware of the serious consequences. Without regular car cleaning, pollutants and debris can accumulate over time, eventually damaging the paint, trim, and other components. In extreme cases, rust can form and cause major structural damage. To avoid any long-term damage, it's important to wash your car at least once a week.


It is very important to maintain your car in order to keep it running safely. In addition to conclude this article, Here are a few tips to help you keep your car running smoothly:

  • Change the oil and filter regularly: A full oil change should be done at 7,500 miles and a filter change at every 3,000 miles.
  • Check the fluid levels: Make sure all fluids are at the correct levels and top off any that are low.
  • Change the air filter: This should be done every 30,000 miles.
  • Check the brakes: Check the brakes for any signs of wear and replace them if necessary.
  • Check the tires: Check the tires for any signs of wear and replace them if necessary.
  • Washing the car: It is satisfying to wash and clean up your car regular, both interior and exterior.
  • And lastly, drive responsively and carefully.

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